Thursday, March 7, 2013

Trail Adoption Program

           After having spent a few painful winter months visualizing berms and flow, waking up with hot flushes after having tons of "those" bike dreams, we're getting out there again to caress a little more flow out of a classic Shore favourite! Pingu has seen riding legends test the limits of their necks with sweet flat huck head slaps and vert sapping rock skidders.

Head Slap?! The infamous Pingu drop.            
           Our mission is to combine the prestige and high-fiven' old skool fun, with flow and speed of new skool berms and doubles, or triples, or... well, we'll try to leave it open trail interpretation!

Dunbar's Cam Porteous taking the new dirt line, alongside the old drop in line.
            The more hands and trail experience, the better! So drop down corkscrew, and come see us if you're local! We're going to need berm testers and beer holders, and everything in between!! Let's put a new face on an old timer!

When: Sunday 10th March, 2013
Where: 10am @ Old Buck parking lot, Mt Seymour
Or: Anytime until around 3.30 on the trail!

1 comment:

  1. The early worm catches the berm... daylight savings takes hold this Sunday... set the clocks and roll out on the right side of the bed! Unleash Pingu potential!
